I don't know any more how many triangle scarfs I have already started and never finished... I think I still have 3 or 4 unfinished at home. Since years I was searching for the perfect yarn and of course the perfect pattern. I was trying some granny triangles and some easy knitted patterns, but I never found a perfect match. Mostly the yarn to heavy and at the end the scarf was not so comfortable to wear. Or the yarn was to thin and I just didn't have the patience to finish such a big piece.
This year I found the yarn The Sheepjes Whirl and I loved it from the beginning! At the end of the summer I decided to buy it. It's pretty expencieve. I paid around 20 Euro including shipment for 1 piece and 1 piece is around 1.000m. It's a lot! But if you compare it to other yarns in a similar quality it's almost double price..